duro-, dur-, dura-
(Latin: hard [as wood], lasting; thick, tough)
during (a preposition)
Throughout an entire time of an event, a period, or an occurrence: Mary's children go swimming almost every day during the summer in her family's swimming pool.
A fire alarm went off during Jill's wedding ceremony with Jack.
An instrument which is used to measure the hardness or stiffness of a material: Mark tested the sample of plastic with a durometer to verify its consistency.
durum (noun), durums (pl)
A kind of wheat containing a large amount of gluten and used mainly for pasta: Durum is a hard and dark-colored wheat (Triticum durum), used for making bread and noodles, and grown in northern central North America, North Africa and southern Russia.
Durum et durum non faciunt murum. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "Hard and hard will not make a wall."
A medieval jingle: Some soft substance must unite the hard things to hold them together.
The adeptness at tolerating hardships, strain, and deprivation without giving up: The endurability of the refugees walking the whole distance from Syria to Europe is shown by their stamina in bearing every difficulty that has come their way.
endurable (adjective), more endurable, most endurable
Tolerable and bearable: Although getting a vaccination is not pleasant, the pain certainly is endurable or can be put up with.
Sometimes hot weather is really not very endurable when the temperature goes up beyond 38°C.
endurably (adverb), more endurably, most endurably
Pertaining to how something is accomplished in a tolerable way or not too unpleasant: At the restaurant the broccoli was served in an endurably overcooked way, which Jim and his family ate anyway, although it wasn’t what they would have liked as a vegetable to have with their dinner.
1. The act, quality, or power of withstanding hardship or stress: A marathon tests a runner's endurance.
2. The state or fact of persevering: Through hard work and endurance, the group will successfully complete the project that was assigned to them.
3. Continuing existence; duration: All living creatures are striving for endurance or survival on Earth.
2. The state or fact of persevering: Through hard work and endurance, the group will successfully complete the project that was assigned to them.
3. Continuing existence; duration: All living creatures are striving for endurance or survival on Earth.
endure (verb), endures; endured; enduring
1. To experience pain or suffering for a long time: The refugees who have been fleeing to other countries have been enduring more hardships than most people can imagine.
2. To deal with or to accept something unpleasant: The neighbors endured the loud music from Karl's birthday party for hours before the celebration was over and they could finally go to sleep.

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2. To deal with or to accept something unpleasant: The neighbors endured the loud music from Karl's birthday party for hours before the celebration was over and they could finally go to sleep.

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enduring (adjective), more enduring, most enduring
1. Descriptive of something that is long-lasting: Virginia is known for her enduring love of ice cream at any time of the year!
2. Relating to a trouble or wrong-doing being patiently tolerated: Mrs. Smith's enduring sufferance of her husband snoring during the night came to an end when she decided to sleep in another room with the door closed!
2. Relating to a trouble or wrong-doing being patiently tolerated: Mrs. Smith's enduring sufferance of her husband snoring during the night came to an end when she decided to sleep in another room with the door closed!
enduringly (adverb), more enduringly, most enduringly
Regarding how something is presented in a lasting manner: Some teachers at school were enduringly successful and well-liked by their colleagues and students for many years!
An injury that takes place between the skull and the dura mater or layers of inner connective tissue that protects the brain: The epidural hematoma can be caused by a ruptured meningeal artery after a fracture of the skull when it is hit excessively hard.
The inner surfaces of the vertebral column: The epidural spaces are located between the walls of the vertebral column and the dura mater of the meninges and they usually contain fat and supportive connective tissues to cushion the dura mater.
indurate (verb), indurates; indurated; indurating
1. To make a substance solid: The long summer with the burning sun quite indurated the soil so that not even weeds could grow there.
3. Etymology: from Latin induratum, "hardened"; from in-, "into, within, toward" + durus, "hard".
While making candles, the group of children watched and saw how the melted wax indurated and became hard and solid.
2. To become established or fixed: The Christmas festivities were quite indurated in the family traditions and were looked forward to; especially, by the children every year.3. Etymology: from Latin induratum, "hardened"; from in-, "into, within, toward" + durus, "hard".
indurate (adjective), more indurate, most indurate
1. Conveying an emotionally hardened and an obstinate or stubborn lack of feeling for other people: The politician is considered to be an indurate person who doesn't care what the public opinion is regarding an increase in taxes.
2. Relating to someone or something that is insensitive: When she reached the age of 80, Gisela had indurate soles of her feet and so she couldn’t feel the floor or ground when she walked.

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2. Relating to someone or something that is insensitive: When she reached the age of 80, Gisela had indurate soles of her feet and so she couldn’t feel the floor or ground when she walked.